Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School - for the boys and for me!

I have always loved words. I work in the world of art - all kinds of art - African, Modern & Contemporary, Asian, etc. - but art doesn't excite me. Words do. Quotes, books, poems, lyrics, you name it, I enjoy it.

I also enjoy blogs (because it is all about words!) and I follow a whole bunch of them - yes, I am a blog-stalker (LOL). But seriously, as I am reading my daily updates of the blogs I follow, I read this:

"my favorite teacher of all, my own mother, is offering a free online course for the next 12 weeks! she will be discussing all sorts of great topics such as creative writing, travel tips, family life, and more. and like every good teacher, she's even giving out prizes. visit her site for more details and a class schedule."

I click over and check out the class and I'm immediately intrigued. I'm going to do it. But doing it means sticking to something, following through, and getting motivated. Ugh. I don't do well sticking to something, following through on it and actually being motivated to do it. It's not that I don't want to do things, because I do. It's that I get so caught up in my life, that I can't stick to something. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed with the thought that I HAVE to do something.

The perfect explanation of me is this - I love to read. I can read a book in a day if I want to. But, I don't do book clubs. Why? Because when I think about having to read something in a set time period, I can't do it. I freak out and I resist and I fail. I don't know if this goes back to my years in college where we were required to read a certain amount in a very short period of time (I was and English major). Weird, huh? I also think a lot about writing in a journal or scribbling down things I hear or quotes I read and keeping them in a cute little notebook. I THINK about it, but I don't do it. I buy the cute little notebooks with the best intentions. But they end up collecting dust on my kitchen table.

Well, this is something I am going to do. I am not going to get overwhelmed, I am not going to just think about it, I'm not going to fail, I'm going to do it and I am going to succeed.

Hmpf. There you go. Challenge on.


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